Thursday, 18 August 2011


Now you are at this stage, you will have no friends anymore because they are normal and you aren’t. They work 5 days a week Monday to Friday, 39 hrs per week, get bank holidays off, don’t work Christmas day, Boxing day, New years eve or new years day and they call a sicky on there birthday and the day after because they are hang over, without getting the sack.

You work 6-7 days, and a minimum of 75 hrs per week, you don’t do Bank Holidays off and you don’t do sick even if you are, because you are a Chef and you think the kitchen you work in is going under with out you and you would never let your fellow chefs down. That of course is true very often because most kitchen are very much under staffed because catering establishment owners always start saving money in the kitchen. No pot washer, chefs can do it, save on electrics, switch a few ovens off, or don’t repair them when they break down is normally the case. Need a bigger restaurant? Take away part of the kitchen is often a good solution. Witch of course makes no sense to the chefs, having more seats in the restaurant but less space to work in, but everyone ells is usually happy with that.

See uuu tomorrow….Dirk

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