Sunday, 21 August 2011

This is unbelievable……

If I wouldn't know this is true, I wouldn't believe it myself. But today, we had yet another coach disaster.

This time we knew the coach party was coming. We prepared a special three choice three course menu. When the party arrived, keeping in mind that it was a coach party of 59 people we just finalised a preparation. The chicken went in the oven approximately 20 min before the party was supposed to sit down for dinner. Shortly after that we found out that the operators have booked a standard no choice three course dinner. Now that wasn't what we were prepared for, therefore didn't have 59 dishes of one choice ready and that by now after lengthy discussions who’s fault it was, 10 min before sit down. As chefs always have to turned into mediations we managed to quickly prepare and cook more chicken. Of course because of that we had to cope with all the leftovers from the other two choices, speak 35 fanned Mellon left over approximately 20 chicken liver parfaits left over, approximately 20 portions of fish leftover and approximately 15 portions of vegetarian. That means our kitchen profit is now sitting in the fridge of course.
This is the second day running that these disasters have happened it shouldn't happen once, but twice? Heads should roll, somebody is not doing their job properly. But nobody seems to care. I can't help but feel a little sorry for the owners of this hotel, but at the end of the day the overall responsibility lies with them, they obviously haven't employed the right people to run the hotel on their behalf.

Since I am now busy, trying to sell leftovers, I will try and write more tomorrow,
see you then Dirk

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