Thursday, 18 August 2011

I want to be a chef

I want to be a chef

Cheffing is amongst those professions that people dream about, imagining leading a great brigade of sous chefs (2nd Chefs) Chef de parties and commie chefs in a glamorous, state of the art equipped, shiny stainless steel kitchen and presenting fabulous meals to hundreds of people where everyone of them is very happy indeed with the culinary experience you give them.

Parts of this description may come true, and those who become a chef like this have a very high levels of satisfaction in their profession. But about 75% of chefs who survive catering collage und still want to be chefs end up in dirty pub kitchens where the stainless steel is far from shiny, where the 25 year old broken kitchen equipment is awaiting repair since month and where the pot washer is also your sous chef, chef de partie and commie chef in one person, but unlike you, hi only works 25 hours per week part time and dos not work evenings or on Sundays. Because you do. He also earns more money the you per hour. Unlike you he is on the national minimum wage per hour and you are salaried at £ 280.00 per week doing 75 hrs. “Work that one out” But in return you will get no thanks, will get a bollocking for not being at least 30min early for work and will be reprimanded for not writing down the fridge temperatures properly the night before. How could you not give that task you full attention, after all, you only had your nuts cooked during a 3 hour service preparing 80-90 dishes of food.

more to follow tomorrow

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